if u grew up on or around a reservation,you could tell the difference between a mexican and native american. but as i explore the foreign world we call america i see my people who lived here long before viking, Spaniard, or europeon kind even knew of the land WE called home.
sure mexican is simply a southern natives who were like us and had our language whipped outta our homes and children. but past is past and now we have what 2pages maybe 2 1/2 pages of history books simply stating we discovered america and indians who we civilized and blended them into our loving society today. and a few basic photos of whay we looked like then,the tee pees or plankhouses we lived in and our totem poles. then you have Hollywood and the variouse movies depicting the history book fairytail. some not so much today thank god! and on a side note thank you mother for sheltering me from old westerns like christians from "sin".
i mean really "injuns" didnt recieve citizenship til 1937ish?? hmmm yet they were granted to own slaves of all kind? its amazing how little this bothered many native americans! how can you be stabbed in the back wen greeting travelers,overtaken,quarantined, then not so much as a real recongnition til 80 sumthin years ago the its slow bribes to keep quite... sorry but my voice is done being muffled my strings are null n void! we want a holiday recognizing our culture,our people, and we need to get back to our roots! look at where starving our spirits has gotten is! we have orphans from OD's, siblings buried cuz of greed and hatred, children pregnant, dirty politicians/cops turning a blindeye on certain crimes that would normally be front page on all met news first or maybe even breaking news on your local news. i hope to fucking he all mighty fuckin creator that a good tribal sumaritan sends this out to all of our tribes and other dirty,falling tribes.
KNOCK THIS MONEY GRUBBIN,DECIETFUL ASS LYIN CRAP OUT!WHAT WOULD YOUR ELDERS WHO RAN THIS SHIT LONG BEFORE YOU SAY? FUCK IT THEY ARE WEEPING ALL AROUND AND MOURNING THAT OUR PEOPLE HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO BEASTS KILLING OVER CRUMBLES OUTTA OPPRESSORS HANDS!! can you guys not hear the cries of pain from letting their gifts to us decompose like the rotting bodies,the stench of double croasing and covered lies clouds our people.....
you follow false leaders and i refuse to do the same. i am my own damn leader and will not bow to any man or woman on demand like a damn jester. i will only represent what i believe and listen to yours but i will not conform to anyones likings... i will not work for a tribe that hashas no interest in our future as a who like we were raised.... I LOVE YOU Tsapa BUT YOU ARE SURROUNDING YOURSELF WITH LIARS,CHEATS,THIEVES,RAPISTS! DO NOT BUY THEIR GIMMICKS AND MASKS!
my theme song of today *Immortal Technique-freedom of speech*!!!! JAMMIN OUT BITCHES!