Monday, April 30, 2012


im done with my tribal government. they are nothing but a piggy bank that people keep reaching into like many of the families that are huge and sadly in power. but the people who have been fuckin everything up with drug deals and money stealin, rape,murder, faulty family benefits meant for all used for ONLY them. then they go and hire family and friends who take up the jobs and leave none for those who NEED it. this last weekend has been the straw that broke tha mutha fuckin back, when more people i know and grew up with die so fucked up and so much like i almost did....shit stops being justified and starts seemin like it needs to be destroyed andd rebuilt from scratch! ive so been tempted to pull a IMMORTAL TECH and leave ya to ya own destruction like sparkin a feind!!! the tribal police now are but DECROTIVE INFECTIOUS SWINE WITH TOO MUCH POWER and that goes for SPD too. you beat us,sick yo fuckin dogs on us,kill and literally rape,intimidate,and fabricate! fer starts how about Mr.Jimbo... i thought i thought i disliked you outta teen angst but now i see it was your energy... so long ago i seen i did not like the way you projected yourself like most cops, but as i see it was for a damn reason. not because i was a delinquent but aura seer. i seen the darkness you and every other cop in that department tries to hide behind a fuckin shiny badge. and debbie parker!OMMFG where else should i start besides being a fictitious lazy old bittie with a snotty teeny bopper mentality, you should of fixed your campaign slogan from for the youth to I think AM THE YOUTH! up and leaving during another fellow educators speech at a 2day convention within the first 2hours??? uhhh excuse me but were you not all in the damn Herald braggin how you were out helping ittt bitty kiddies in school because you know education is the way to go? ?? so wouldnt you think the college part of the education process is kinda vital??? i mean thats where we want our children to end up and not 6 feet under,or in and outta either prison or rehab/treatment facilities? ? but no i guess whomever you were going to see or meet must have been waay more important than making sure our bonds with EVCC are not strained in their time of need for money so our members can still attend under our circumstances? but alas she hath made us look like uneducated nothing but talk air heads by ditching in the middle of a speech anf offended half the staff it seems.... thanks debbie YOUR SUCH A FUCKIN LEADER! and mr Les p. uhhhg everyone knowsof your shenanigans beecause you continue to publically make an ass of your self but
with all the housing problems you have creaated i must throw you name in too. because thecrews you hired are sloow and do not know what they aree doin! theydo next to nothing and would have been fined and fired if they acted like that outside of a tribal owned business. with all the nails they seem to like to leave in everyones driveways to the broken peices of roof and other nasty things from them tearing apart ssidings and roofing. and thats just the tip of the les stink bomb! therr is aalso him trying to get a well known rival tribe just north to move a vasino not even a mile away from oura in marysville... really? happens a while aho but REALLLY???? YOU ARE SO SICKLY VENDETTIVE.... just sickly...
i love this place but the way you twisted ass cannibals have changed it and fed the wood tk the feind fire and fucked everonne up and now we have to extend our cemetary to fit moree bodies and all our leaders do is feed into fire...not caring if they destroy our culture and traditions with greed and drugs.... bahaha speakin of drugs ive all but forgot about Mista m. Fryberg JUINAH!! biggest hippocrite of them all. you are a true tricksterr in disguise! you slither like stanky snake through our community hissing lies yet spreading the venom your protesting... simply to everyone simply here for the money GTFO!!!!!! IF WE WANTED TO DEAL WITH THAT SHIT WE WOULDA STAYED IN MAINSTREAM POLITOCS WITH WHITEY!!!

goodnight and goodlife...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

legalize the penalized

mmmhhmmmm i done went there. why does pot have to be the "gateway" drug? simply because admitting it isnt the core of the problem would admit to ripping off the earth and our pockets in the end because the industrial and medicial uses of cananis and hemp would stomp trees,cotton and tobacco/alcohol heffes and they aint havin that. many try the "REEFR MADNESSS approach and say you will go crazy or become a burnt out loser from simply eating or smoking the substance and all forms of this god given plant should be demonized. I CALL B.S! despite the "professional" **COUGH'paidoffimbeciles'COUGH** seemingly legit comments on marijuanas medical beneifts being non-existant do not believe the hype, canabis has been used as a natuaral anesthetic by numerouse cultures in all countries at some point in time before your modern day painkillers or anesthesia docs use now. even in childbirth!( so screw you maggots who say pot babies like us are less mentaly/physically developed!) do not get me started on the INFINITE uses of HEMP that would save our trees,our animals,and natuaral resources. hell i bet our alcohol and probably hard drug related catastrophes would drop near 0. drug gangs would have their big profit terminated the moment the outlawing of marijuana/hemp is.

simply if you are con pot then think of this if your tired of your local heroin/crack-cocaine/meth dealer acting like fuckin tony montana hustlin nickel n dime bags of trash to your children,siblings,parents,family or friends period,think of it,becoming pro pot will help legalizing it and legalizing it will take the money from the drug lords and stop your neighborhood from depleting,it would put some cash back into our stumbling economy by introducing a stellar product into it and taxing it( creator please dont forgive my materialistic view but the epiphanies will follow soon after;]!) as we sell the weaker potency in almost substitute cigarette form in smoke shops and danky dank potency in the pharms,we can come out of debt as a country! oh and fellow Smokey Mcpuffins kno wat i mean by epiphany,i need not explain.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

i stand out in a white crowd yet no one.knows us?

if u grew up on or around a reservation,you could tell the difference between a mexican and native american. but as i explore the foreign world we call america i see my people who lived here long before viking, Spaniard, or europeon kind even knew of the land WE called home.

sure mexican is simply a southern natives who were like us and had our language whipped outta our homes and children. but past is past and now we have what 2pages maybe 2 1/2 pages of history books simply stating we discovered america and indians who we civilized and blended them into our loving society today. and a few basic photos of whay we looked like then,the tee pees or plankhouses we lived in and our totem poles. then you have Hollywood and the variouse movies depicting the history book fairytail. some not so much today thank god! and on a side note thank you mother for sheltering me from old westerns like christians from "sin".

i mean really "injuns" didnt recieve citizenship til 1937ish?? hmmm yet they were granted to own slaves of all kind? its amazing how little this bothered many native americans! how can you be stabbed in the back wen greeting travelers,overtaken,quarantined, then not so much as a real recongnition til 80 sumthin years ago the its slow bribes to keep quite... sorry but my voice is done being muffled my strings are null n void! we want a holiday recognizing our culture,our people, and we need to get back to our roots! look at where starving our spirits has gotten is! we have orphans from OD's, siblings buried cuz of greed and hatred, children pregnant, dirty politicians/cops turning a blindeye on certain crimes that would normally be front page on all met news first or maybe even breaking news on your local news. i hope to fucking he all mighty fuckin creator that a good tribal sumaritan sends this out to all of our tribes and other dirty,falling tribes.
KNOCK THIS MONEY GRUBBIN,DECIETFUL ASS LYIN CRAP OUT!WHAT WOULD YOUR ELDERS WHO RAN THIS SHIT LONG BEFORE YOU SAY? FUCK IT THEY ARE WEEPING ALL AROUND AND MOURNING THAT OUR PEOPLE HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO BEASTS KILLING OVER CRUMBLES OUTTA OPPRESSORS HANDS!! can you guys not hear the cries of pain from letting their gifts to us decompose like the rotting bodies,the stench of double croasing and covered lies clouds our people.....

you follow false leaders and i refuse to do the same. i am my own damn leader and will not bow to any man or woman on demand like a damn jester. i will only represent what i believe and listen to yours but i will not conform to anyones likings... i will not work for a tribe that hashas no interest in our future as a who like we were raised.... I LOVE YOU Tsapa BUT YOU ARE SURROUNDING YOURSELF WITH LIARS,CHEATS,THIEVES,RAPISTS! DO NOT BUY THEIR GIMMICKS AND MASKS!

my theme song of today *Immortal Technique-freedom of speech*!!!! JAMMIN OUT BITCHES!

Friday, April 13, 2012

how a raven is indeed like a writing desk

the raven and the writing desk.

many overpass any simalarities between the two.

only tunnel veiwing mass differences.

who are you to say raven cannot be a writing desk?

he can stand in one place and become the starting point of great stories or business.

he can shine like a freshly finished desk.

simply how these two are alike is anything can be anything.

anyone can anyone.

and we all have simalarities we just refuse to admit.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

like minded people.please type with me

i know there is there has to be others who think sumwat like me. this is my smoke signal to those! please i joined to discuss and vent with other also to create ideas and if you do or know anyone who i remind you of please link my page to their facebook,myspace,google+,ect. i just want feedback and have found no logical discussions on social sites since myspace and those were illogical logic to remain sane through teen angsty years...non the less share my page,comment do wat ever come on! show life!

Monday, April 9, 2012

walk along with me

flickering tounge spitting sugar coated lies unknowingly worsening their post demise. prancing around in an amusing disguise. manipulating emotions you never really had. smiling and dancing your evil into homes of the gullible. flipping the statue on right and wrong. demonizing anything countering your fantasies. screaming your deceitfulness over the voice of truth.. but your fooling noone but yourself wen you do this and thas al i gotta say. I've got alotta loves but Miss Karma is #1. she's the top bitch you go to wen you want shit done. eventually she'll get you even if you run. her grip is painful,kisses deadly&voices of tjose your hurt by the lies that you spun. she discrimates no color and favors nobody wen their chips have run out. karma is the HBIC,and makes the world go 'round. slow n well deserved misery is whay you have accumulated. doing noone good and only thinkin of yourself. i hold no grudge against you its not my place to label or bring out a verdict. heed the warnings,keep the teachings,dont give up your beliefs to accommodate someone else. hold your ground and make it known we all have say. and always be prepared for that long awaited day...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

yay for happy sunrays=D

everyone knows washington is famous for grey skys and rain80% of the year( well western washington). but right now is the beginning of that 20% of beautiful sunny days that bring people in. locals are visually happier and more active because our brains are finally getting natuaral shots of serotonin and what not needed for mental health.these days are why i find it hard to leave a region like this. i feel so at home with all the evergreens and perfect humidity. one sadly ironic trait life decided to "bless" me with is bi-polar allergies in a place rich in pollen spewing plants and alluring maze of woods that i still find a blast to explore and run through. some days i can push thru a day with no medication and roll around tall wild grass with minimal itching. others i need 3 boxes of tissues and all assortments of allergy medications varying from capsules to nose sprays. thankfully its a good day today. other than lifes normal obstacles its been a day to savor because minimal stress and little to np outside drama. a good day to look over ideas and decisions and prepare. an idea I've been feeling a pull towards politics and suit-oriented jobs but it just feels like too much wasted time for wasted money. even though it gives me a small feeling of satisfaction when my opinion or idea is embraced and accepted and then the following events are more on the postive side and it helps a big percentage of people and changes life. but i feel the same if not more when i write poems and people connect and enjoy my silent lyrical emotions and view points. my idea of the day is old and overused but still inspiring,slow down and enjoy the small details. walk a little slower, let every tastebud enjoy your food and cherish the beauties of our mother earth even if they are minimum in your surrounding area,CHERISH AND RESPECT the little you have left my brothers and sisters. open your arms and eyes and life will do the same.

Monday, April 2, 2012

wen it all comes to a head, do not to turn.our way with a belated apology.take.your it!

i am a proud member of the FIRST NATION. i admire the life we lived before settlers came along. i love the physical and mental traits that come with being "Native American". i am fasinated wen i am told of how we we're politicians before white america introduced their version of it. but the frst years ive experienced how our tribe handles things have ripped something I've come to understand as our family tradition to rescue our sinking struggling tribe and then getting NO appreciation for it. now we have tribe hoppers coming outta the woods to enroll to get a check for free. amd more disturbing we have babies havin babies to have an income for the years to come. the parents of party kids and street kids cry injustice for the BOD not coming up with a miracle cure for drug addiction. oversized families struggling with keepin food on the table because they would rather have quick cash instead of settling for wat they had. screams of unaccounted for cash is completely invalid,people wish the tribe be treated bg family not a corporation? well think of our money flow as a household budget! we have employees to pay,multiple bills including payback for the loans that provided us with a revenue,+interest! then you have multiple little bills and lawsuits were others are trying to get a slice of money pie as well. wat is left is wat we have to pay out per capitas. i pray anybody who has leeway with these minions of power smashes it into these peoples heads that when ypu ask for an up in one payment that crosses a certain amount line,you lose benefits LEGITIMATELY.especially wen you have over 5 children plus usually grandbabies who they are collecting for! sure bills get big and food is unbelievable,but my mother had no quarterly check. she raised 4 kids not including "adopted" children with little to NO help from the tribe,state,BEFORE PER CAPS! she found ways to make ends meet wen they shouldnt have. sure my grandparents had a part but thats all. finacially and mentally my mother is a WARRIOR and it sickens me that she and my grandfather are so unappreciated and the most mud slung is in their way! did it not make it clear that wen they both came along and joined the tribal employment list that profits boomed!! my grandpa made our current revenues possible! and my mom,she became part of formerly known as TANF now 477 and had the biggest stats of people who only spent weeks or months on the wat i call "rez welfare" shortly got jobs and stopped all benefits because the classes and seminars my mother put them thru had an actual impact on them in a way never acheived before. there was so little people by a year and a half or more she SAVED the tribe enough money to build a whole new grant we couldve used in education or police forces or that half way home and rehab center we desperatly need. but the moment our "people" caught wind we had money with no cause yet they demand bigger checks! it has become so bad i sont think there will be a tribe for my children to register and represent wen they come to this world. my fight in my soul knows this battle is lost against stupidity in numbers and its a death wish to jump in now,because the stress from just the beginninig that took a huge toll on my family is deadly they are having the life sucked out by this place i call home. the people i call extended family are now only sheeple i cannot look at without wanting to grab them,and shove the truth they ignore down their huge ill-opionated mouths! politics is a burden my family bears because we are the only ones who posses the skills to understand them and the ability to pull a company/tirbe outta the fire..and if the people refuse the proper help they require then let them burn in their beds!