Wednesday, April 25, 2012

legalize the penalized

mmmhhmmmm i done went there. why does pot have to be the "gateway" drug? simply because admitting it isnt the core of the problem would admit to ripping off the earth and our pockets in the end because the industrial and medicial uses of cananis and hemp would stomp trees,cotton and tobacco/alcohol heffes and they aint havin that. many try the "REEFR MADNESSS approach and say you will go crazy or become a burnt out loser from simply eating or smoking the substance and all forms of this god given plant should be demonized. I CALL B.S! despite the "professional" **COUGH'paidoffimbeciles'COUGH** seemingly legit comments on marijuanas medical beneifts being non-existant do not believe the hype, canabis has been used as a natuaral anesthetic by numerouse cultures in all countries at some point in time before your modern day painkillers or anesthesia docs use now. even in childbirth!( so screw you maggots who say pot babies like us are less mentaly/physically developed!) do not get me started on the INFINITE uses of HEMP that would save our trees,our animals,and natuaral resources. hell i bet our alcohol and probably hard drug related catastrophes would drop near 0. drug gangs would have their big profit terminated the moment the outlawing of marijuana/hemp is.

simply if you are con pot then think of this if your tired of your local heroin/crack-cocaine/meth dealer acting like fuckin tony montana hustlin nickel n dime bags of trash to your children,siblings,parents,family or friends period,think of it,becoming pro pot will help legalizing it and legalizing it will take the money from the drug lords and stop your neighborhood from depleting,it would put some cash back into our stumbling economy by introducing a stellar product into it and taxing it( creator please dont forgive my materialistic view but the epiphanies will follow soon after;]!) as we sell the weaker potency in almost substitute cigarette form in smoke shops and danky dank potency in the pharms,we can come out of debt as a country! oh and fellow Smokey Mcpuffins kno wat i mean by epiphany,i need not explain.

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